By utilizing any website, application, webform, or communicating with Metamorphix, you consent to these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in its entirety and agree to adhere to the Policy’s directives and usage.

The privacy of the online visitors to our websites, schools, community mental health partners, and other partners who purchase our products and services, of educators and students whose information we may receive on behalf of a customer, and of the individuals we otherwise interact with is a high priority for Metamorphix, Inc. (“Metamorphix,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). Metamorphix has developed and enforces the below Policy to ensure the safety and privacy of the company, its employees, and all users and administrators of Metamorphix’s products.

Information We Collect

Information about Districts and Schools: When community partners, mental health professionals, school districts, and schools purchase and use our products and services, we receive certain information about them and their users. We receive information in many ways, including when an educational institution or supporting group provides it by purchasing our products. This information may include the individual’s name, school name, school district name, school email address and account name and password, phone number, role at the district, state the district is located in, personally identifying information such as age, sex, gender, family history, medical or mental diagnoses, responses and inputs related to product features/components, and message content. We may also receive information about individuals, students, schools, and school districts from third parties. We may retain information a user provides when a user utilizes the website, uses our products, inputs, or provides information or responses through the website or product. Likewise, we may retain information related to the content or data resulting from the user sending us or others a message, posting content to our website/products/services, or responding to emails and surveys. Once a user begins using our services, we may keep records of activities related to the services. We use the above information, or share this information with our service providers, to, among other things, operate, maintain, and provide the features and functionality of the services; to monitor our services offerings; to communicate with our clients, school districts, and website visitors; conduct research for both public and private entities, and promote our products and services to districts, mental health professionals, and community partners.

As part of the services, users also share personal information with Metamorphix. In these cases, this privacy policy governs the use of this personal information unless a signed agreement exists with the user, the user’s school or practitioner, or a similar entity providing for a different applicable privacy policy. Metamorphix receives information provided by users related to the user or students, user or student families, teachers, and other school employees, such as demographic information including the individual’s name, address, email address, date of birth, social security number; credentials obtained and the granting institution; information about the individual’s employment with the educational organization; and system usernames and passwords. To deliver products and services to its customers, Metamorphix may share this information with third-party service providers for any necessary business purposes, such as (but not limited to) third parties who provide hosting services, future feature or growth development, and integration/cooperation partners.

Student Data: Metamorphix may have access to personally identifiable information about user students (“Student Data”) while providing its services to a district, community mental health agency, or private practitioner. We consider student data confidential and do not use such data for any purpose other than to provide services on the user’s behalf or in research settings. Metamorphix has access to Student Data only as requested by the district and only to perform research and to provide services on the purchasing entity’s behalf, as directed by the school, community mental health agency, or private practitioner. The Student Data your educational organization shares with Metamorphix may include the following information about students and their guardians: demographic information including name, mailing address, email address, and date of birth; student education records including your student’s grades, class enrollment, student social determent and vulnerability data, and behavioral records. In limited circumstances, Metamorphix may also receive health-related information.

Information About You: We receive information about you when you interact with us as an individual, such as looking to be a volunteer, intern, employee, investor, advisor, customer, etc., or signing up to receive a newsletter. This information includes information you voluntarily provide about yourself, such as name, address, telephone numbers, professional and educational details, payment information, and information we collect through technology, as described below. We may also receive information about you from third parties, such as the background check results, if you apply for a job with us.

We may use or share with our research and service providers the personal information we collect for academic research and business purposes, including the following: to fulfill or meet the reason you provided the information; to provide, support, personalize, and develop our website, products, and services; to create, maintain, customize, and secure your account with us; to process your requests, transactions, and payments and prevent fraud; to respond to your inquiries, including to investigating and addressing your concerns and monitor and improve our responses; for testing, research, analysis, and product development, including to develop and improve our website, products, and services; or to respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.

Information We Collect Through Technology: We automatically collect certain usage information when visitors view our website or use our services. We may send one or more cookies — a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters — to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser and lets Metamorphix identify you faster and enhance your navigation through the site. A cookie may also convey information about how you use the services (e.g., the pages you view, the links you click,and other actions you take on the website) and allow us to track your usage of the services over time. We may collect log file information from your browser or mobile device whenever you access the services. Log file information may include your web request, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, information about your mobile device, number of clicks and how you interact with links on the service, pages viewed, and other such information. We may employ clear gifs (also known as web beacons), which are used to track the online usage patterns of our users anonymously. In addition, we may also use clear gifs in HTML-based emails sent to our districts to track which emails are opened and which links are clicked by recipients. The information allows for more accurate reporting and improvement of the services. We may also collect analytics data or use third-party analytics tools to help us measure service traffic and usage trends.We may use the data collected through cookies, log files, device identifiers, and clear gifs information to remember information so that a user will not have to re-enter it during subsequent visits; provide custom, personalized content and information; to provide and monitor the effectiveness of our services; monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic, and usage on our website and our services; diagnose or fix technology problems; and help users efficiently access information after signing in. You can disable or reject cookies through your web browser, but turning off cookies may adversely affect your use of Metamorphix’s website or services. Your continued use of Metamorphix’s website and services reflects your acceptance of cookies, log files, device identifiers, and clear gifs.

Disclosure to Third Parties

Metamorphix discloses information described in this Privacy Policy, including to researchers and service providers for business and commercial purposes. Beyond that, Metamorphix may disclose information to comply with a court order or other legal process served on us or assist government enforcement agencies; investigate or prevent suspected illegal activities or protect the security and integrity of Metamorphix; enforce this Privacy Policy, related formal or informal Terms of Service, or other such binding agreements; take precautions against liability, investigate or defend against any third-party claims or allegations; or exercise or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Metamorphix, its employees, customers, or others.

Consistent with the directives of this policy, Metamorphix may, at its sole discretion, store data contemplated by this policy including customer data, end-user data, website usage and hosting data, and any personally identifying information in on-premises server/device storage or cloud-based server/device storage. Likewise, Metamorphix may utilize third party software such as data aggregation services and generative/analytical artificial intelligence throughout this website and products. Consistent with the provisions of this Policy, users of the website and products consent to the storage and use of the data contemplated by this policy and acknowledge the potential use of analytical and generative artificial intelligence.

How We Protect Your Information

Data Protection: Metamorphix maintains strict administrative, technical, and physical procedures to protect information stored in our servers. Access to information is limited (through unique account credentials) to those employees who require it to perform their job functions. We also use unique account identifiers that attribute each user to a specific account. We have many unit and integration tests to ensure these privacy controls work as expected. We use industry-standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption technology to safeguard the account registration process, sign-in information,and data transmitted to Metamorphix servers. We store and process data in accordance with industry best practices. These best practices include appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to secure data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and use.  We will conduct periodic risk assessments and promptly remediate any identified security vulnerabilities.

Incident Response: We have a written incident response plan, which includes prompt notification of our identifiable consumers, providers, and educators in case of a security or privacy breach of protected information.

Review or Deletion of Records Maintained by Metamorphix: To review or update information concerning practitioners, community mental health partners, districts, schools, and their users, please contact your educational organization, community mental health partner, or private practitioner directly. Requests sent to Metamorphix seeking a copy of such records or demanding that Metamorphix modify or delete any records that it maintains may be forwarded directly to the appropriate educational organization. Please note that even when records are modified or deleted from Metamorphix’s active databases, copies may remain in data backups as necessary to comply with research, business, and regulatory requirements.

Data Retention: We will not knowingly retain personal information beyond the period required to support the authorized research/educational/school purposes.  Following the termination or deactivation of an account, Metamorphix may retain profile information and content for a commercially reasonable time for research, backup, archival, or audit purposes. All Student Data associated with the usage will be deleted as agreed upon. We may maintain anonymized or aggregated data, including usage data, for analytics and research purposes. Despite these precautions, no system can be completely secure, and there remains a risk that unauthorized access or use, hardware or software failure, human error, or several other factors may compromise the security of your information.

Links to Other Web Sites and Services

Please remember that this privacy policy applies to Metamorphix’s services and websites and not to other websites or third-party applications, which may have their own Privacy Policies. You should carefully read the privacy practices of each third-party application before agreeing to engage with the application through the service. Metamorphix may provide links or resources to third-party websites and applications within its website, products, or services. In doing so, Metamorphix is not liable for any claims, misuse, or rule or law violations arising from using third-party resources. Metamorphix does not guarantee or warranty the proper function or validity of the content of any third-party resource, nor does the third-party resource reflect Metamorphix’s opinion or position.

California Privacy Rights

This section applies only to California residents who interact with Metamorphix as individuals, including those seeking employment with Metamorphix.

Certain individuals residing in California have specific rights regarding their Personal Information under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), the California Shine the Light Law (California Civil Code §1798.83), and the California Eraser Law (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 22580-81). The following section describes how we collect, use, and share Personal Information of California residents in operating our business and their rights concerning that Personal Information. Note that these rights are not absolute, and in certain cases, we may decline your requests concerning your Personal Information, as permitted by the CCPA. For purposes of this section, “Personal Information” has the meaning given in the CCPA but does not include information exempted from the scope of the CCPA.

Access to Specific Information: If you have interacted with Metamorphix independently, you can request and receive certain information about how we have collected and used your Personal Information over the past 12 months. Such information includes: the categories of Personal Information we collected about you; the categories of sources for the Personal Information we collected about you; our business or commercial purpose for collecting and selling the Personal Information; the categories of third parties with whom we share the Personal Information; if we disclosed your Personal Information for a business purpose, and if so, the categories of Personal Information received by each category of third-party recipient; and if we sold your Personal Information, the categories of Personal information received by each category of third party recipient. Under the California Shine the Light Law, you may opt out of sharing your Personal Information with third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes.  Under the California Eraser Law, any California residents under the age of eighteen (18) who have posted content or information on our applications can request removal by contacting us as set forth below, detailing where the content or information is posted and attesting that you posted it. We will make reasonable, good-faith efforts to remove the post from prospective public view or anonymize it so the minor cannot be individually identified to the extent required by applicable law. This removal process cannot ensure complete or comprehensive removal. For instance, third parties may have republished or archived content that we do not control. At present, none of our applications are directed to minors or permit content to be added by minors.

Deletion Request Rights: You have the right to request that we delete the personal information we collected from you.

Non-Discrimination: You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination in the form of legally prohibited increases in the price or decreases in the quality of our services. Accordingly, we will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. However, the exercise of your rights may impact our websites’ functionality.

Exercising Your Rights: To exercise your California privacy rights to information, access and deletion described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by filling out the following form within our “Contact Us” web page.

Only you, or a person authorized to act on your behalf pursuant to the CCPA, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your Personal Information. In order to verify your request, we may ask you to confirm Personal Information you have provided to us.

We reserve the right to confirm your California residence to process your requests and will need to confirm your identity to process your requests to exercise your information, access or deletion rights. As part of this process, government identification may be required. Consistent with California law, you may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. In order to designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, you must provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’s valid government-issued identification, and the authorized agent’s valid government-issued identification. We cannot process your request if you do not provide us with sufficient detail to allow us to understand and respond to it.

Personal Information We Collect, Use and Share: We collect Personal Information when you provide it to us voluntarily, through your interaction with our websites as described above, or from third parties. We may have collected the following categories of Personal Information in the past twelve (12) months: identifiers; customer / financial information and records; characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law; commercial information; internet or other electronic network activity information; geolocation data; and professional or employment-related information. Personal Information does not include publicly available information or deidentified or aggregated consumer information.

Use of Personal Information: We may use or disclose the Personal Information we collect as described above or for one or more of the following business purposes: auditing related to a current interaction with a consumer and concurrent transaction; detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity; debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality; performing services that you request, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing advertising or marketing services; undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration; and undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality of a service that is owned and controlled by Metamorphix, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the services that are owned and controlled by Metamorphix.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties: In the past twelve (12) months, we have disclosed the categories of Personal Information described above for our business or commercial purposes to service providers and third parties with whom you authorize or direct us to share your information.We have not sold Personal Information in the preceding twelve (12) months.

Privacy Rights of Job Seekers

This section applies only to California residents who interact with Metamorphix as a job seeker utilizing Metamorphix’s websites (the “Job Seeking Sites”) and those seeking employment with Metamorphix. Certain job seekers residing in California have specific rights regarding their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA). The following section describes how we collect, use and share the Personal Information of California residents in operating the business and their rights concerning that Personal Information. For purposes of this section, “Personal Information” has the meaning given in the CCPA but does not include information exempted from the scope of the CCPA.

Your Rights Concerning Access and Deletion: The CCPA provides consumers (California residents) with specific rights regarding their Personal Information, which are described below. Note, these rights are not absolute, and in certain cases, we may decline your request as permitted by the CCPA.

Access to Specific Information: You have the right to request and receive certain information about how we have collected and used your Personal Information over the past 12 months. Such information includes: the categories of Personal Information we collected about you; the categories of sources for the Personal Information we collected about you; our business or commercial purpose for collecting and/or selling the Personal Information; the categories of third parties with whom we share the Personal Information; if we disclosed your Personal Information for a business purpose, and if so, the categories of Personal Information received by each category of third-party recipient;and if we sold your Personal Information, the categories of Personal Information received by each category of third party recipient.

Deletion Request Rights: You have the right to request that we delete any of your Personal Information that we collected from you. As discussed above, you may also delete your information through your account.

Non-Discrimination: You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination in the form of legally prohibited increases in the price or decreases in the quality of our services. Accordingly, we will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under the CCPA. However, the exercise of your rights may impact the Job Seeking Sites’ functionality and/or employers’ ability to receive information about you. For example, if you delete your personal information, employers will no longer be able to access to your profile through the Job Seeking Sites.

Exercising Your Rights: To exercise your California privacy rights to information, access and deletion described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by filling out the following form within our “Contact Us” web page.Only you, or a person authorized to act on your behalf pursuant to the CCPA, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information. In order to verify your request, we may ask you to confirm personal information you have provided to us.

We reserve the right to confirm your California residence to process your requests and will need to verify your identity to process your requests to exercise your information, access, or deletion rights. As part of this process, government identification may be required. Consistent with California law, you may designate an authorized agent to request on your behalf. To designate an authorized agent to request on your behalf, you must provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’s valid government-issued identification, and the authorized agent’s valid government-issued identification. We cannot process your request if you do not provide us with sufficient detail to allow us to understand and respond to it.

Personal Information We Collect, Use and Share: The Job Seeking Sites collect personal information when you provide it to us or through your interaction with the Job Seeking Sites, as described above. The Job Seeking Sites have collected the following categories of personal information in the past twelve (12) months: unique identifiers, such as first name, last name, and email address, user name and password; professional / employment-related information, such as education history, licenses, work experience, and extracurricular activities; commercial information, such as your communication preferences and history using the Job Seeking Sites; internet or other similar network activity, as described above; and geolocation data. Personal Information does not include publicly available information or deidentified or aggregated consumer information.

Use of Personal Information: We may use or disclose the personal information we collect for one or more of the following business purposes: manage and maintain your account; provide services you request, such as disclosing your information to an employer; analyzing and enhancing our marketing communications and strategies; informing you of relevant job postings, events and announcements that may be of interest to you; operating, evaluating and improving our business and the products and services we offer; analyzing trends and statistics regarding visitors’ use of the Job Seeking Sites; protecting against and prevent fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims and other liabilities, and manage risk exposure, including by identifying potential hackers and other unauthorized users; provide administrative notices or communications applicable to your use of the website; respond to your questions and comments and provide customer support; contact you and deliver information to you that, in some cases, is targeted to your interests; enforce our website’s Terms of Use; and comply with applicable legal requirements and industry standards and our policies.

Sharing Personal Information: As described above, we share your information as directed by you, such as with third party social media and with employers. We may also share your information with our service providers for a business or a commercial purpose, such as IT service providers. We have shared the following categories of personal information in the past twelve (12) months: unique identifiers; professional/employment-related information; commercial information; internet or other similar network activity; and geolocation data.

In the past 12 months, like many companies, we have used services that have helped deliver third-party interest-based ads to you. Our use of these services may be classified under California law as a “sale” of your Personal Information to the companies that provided the services because they collected information from our users (e.g., device data and online activity data, like browsing history) to help them serve ads more likely to interest you. We no longer do this.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update or modify this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in how Metamorphix maintains, uses, shares, or secures your information. Please check this Policy each time you interact with our systems to ensure you are aware of any revisions.

How to Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please use the “Contact Us” web page.